

Although Strongman is originally a male dominated sport some women are discovering the fun in lifting heavy things and testing their strength with traditional Strongman equipment such as the yoke, log and Atlas stones. Unfortunately many Australian Strongwoman competitions are cancelled due to lack of numbers, our aim is to not only connect with other Strongwoman athletes across the country but to find a bunch more women who are kickass strong but don't know it yet!

This page has been created for Australian women interested in training for or competing in Strongman/Strongwoman events. Although Strongman is originally a male dominated sport some women are discovering the fun in lifting heavy things and testing their strength with traditional Strongman equipment such as the yoke, log and Atlas stones. Unfortunately many Australian Strongwoman competitions are cancelled due to lack of numbers, our aim is to not only connect with other Strongwoman athletes across the country but to find a bunch more women who are kickass strong but don't know it yet!

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